ESPN & Cornhole Terminology
We’re flattered to be rocking our commercial with ESPN!! Our awesome products and amazing designs will be sure to flatter anyone. Once your Cornhole boards and bags are purchased, all you have to do is learn our Cornhole terminology. This is a game changer! Every opponent will be shocked, threatened and stuttering to come up with comebacks. Learn these quick Cornhole words and sit back and laugh. Cornhole just got more exciting and we couldn’t be happier to pass on this knowledge to you. Welcome to the AllCornhole family, where jokes are welcomed and humor is our culture!

Make Cornhole Terminology your game changer
Add a twist to your next cornhole game with our awesome products and Cornhole vocabulary.
CORNZIZZLE your next opponent!
“Your DOUBLE DEUCE does not scare me!
“Your new nickname is DIRTY ROLL UP!” |
“Make it glow CORN PATTY!” |
Cornhole Terminology:
- Ace – You receive an ace, one point, for having a beanbag land (and stay) on the board.
- Air Mail – When a player tosses a bag and it goes into the hole without touching the cornhole board, this is called air mail.
- Back Door – A beanbag that, either by bouncing or a swish, goes over the top of a blocker and into the hole for 3 points.
- Backstop – A beanbag that lands on the board, but behind the hole. This type of situation helps keep other sliders from going off the board.
- Blocker – When a cornhole bag lands in front of the hole this is called a blocker. Mainly, it “blocks” other bags from entering the hole.
- Candycorn – A bag that has fallen short of hitting the cornhole board.
- Cornfusion – When two players or teams cannot agree on the score in any one particular inning.
- Cornhole – A beanbag that is tossed and goes into the hole is called a cornhole. This results in 3 points for the player or team that tossed.
- Corn Patty – A bag than is not thrown with enough force and lands short of the cornhole boards.
- Cornzizzle – When a single player gets four bags in the hole in a single round – a real feat!
- Cow Pie – You receive a cow pie, one point, for having a beanbag land and stay on the board.
- Dirty Bag – Occasionally a bag hits the ground first before bouncing or rolling up onto the cornhole board, resulting in a dirty bag. Also, a dirty bag can occur when a bag first hits the board and then partially slides off with some of the bag touching the ground. When either of these dirty bags occur, no points are given for the toss.
- Dirty Roll Up – When a bag first hits the ground before “rolling” up onto the board. No points are awarded for this toss.
- Double Deuce – When a single player gets four bags in the hole in a single round – a real feat!
- Double Stack – While most throw styles are allowed in tournaments, the double stack is not, but it is still fun for backyard play. The double stack is accomplished by stacking two beanbags on top of each other and simultaneously tossing them at the cornhole board.
- Drain O – A beanbag that is tossed and goes into the hole is called a drain-o. This results in 3 points for the player or team that tossed.
- Faultn’ – When a foot has stepped past the front of the corn hole board or other predetermined throw line.
- Fling – Some players like to hold the beanbag by one corner between their index finger and thumb and simply “fling” the bag with a flick of the wrist.
- Flop – When a bag is tossed in cornhole and there is no spin or rotation during its flight, this is referred to as a flop.
- Four Bagger – Similar to a double deuce or gusher a 4 bagger is when a single player gets four bags in the hole in a single round. However, in this case, without the help of their own, or other players, bags – i.e swishers or sliders.
- Frisbee – This type of throw has the beanbag spinning in the air like a frisbee in order to help it “stick” to the board when it lands.
- Glory Hole – When a player tosses a bag and it goes into the hole without touching the cornhole board, this is sometimes called a glory hole.
- Granny – Just like in bowling, a granny shot is achieved by using both hands and tossing the beanbag from between the legs.
- Gusher – When a singles player gets four bags in the hole in a single round – a real feat!
- Hammer – The last bag tossed each round or inning is sometimes referred to as the hammer.
- Hanger – Sometimes a beanbag lands on the board and is partially dangling over the lip of the hole. This is called a hanger and it does not receive the 3 points unless it falls all the way in.
- Honors – A team is given honors for the next inning and gets to toss first when they were the last to score in a previous game/inning.
- Hooker – A bag that hits the board and slides in a hook or curve going around another “blocker” bag and into the hole.
- Jumper – A bag that hits another bag already on the board and causes it to “jump” into the hole.
- Jump Shot – In cornhole, a jumpshot is made when a player jumps and “shoots” the bag at the hole like in basketball.
- Knuckleballer – Throwing a beanbag in cornhole, just like you would throw a knuckleball in baseball.
- Light ’em Up – The popularity of the cornhole lights for nighttime play has really grown in the past few years. This phrase is one to signal it’s time to turn them on.
- Lipper – A bag that is on the board, halfway hanging into the hole, but not all the way through to gain the 3 points.
- Make Them Glow – The popularity of the corn hole lights has really grown in the past few years. This is another phrase signaling it’s time to turn them on!
- Police – Cornhole score keepers or tournament officials are often referred to as da police.
- Push Bag – When a single tossed bag either pushes or pulls two or more other bags already on the board into the hole.
- Rim Job – Sometimes a bag will look like it is going to go in, but then it hits the side or lip of the hole and bounces out and onto the ground.
- Sally – A bag that is not thrown with enough force and lands short of the cornhole boards.
- Shucked – This refers to a player or team that has beaten 13-0, for those that play past the 11-0 skunk.
- Shucker – When a bag is tossed and hits another players’ bag, knocking it off of the board, this is called a shucker. Oh, shucks!
- Skunk – A skunk occurs (and the game is over) when one team or opponent reaches 11 points and the opposite team has 0 points.
- Sky Bag – When a beanbag is tossed really high and lands far beyond the cornhole board, it is called a sky bag.
- Slick Woody – Like a slider, the tossed bag hits the board below the hole and simply slides up and into the hole for 3 points.
- Slider – A beanbag that is tossed, hits the board further down from the hole, and slides up the cornhole board and into the hole.
- Stanker – Any tossed bag that is for one reason or another considered foul can also be called a stanker.
- Swish – When a player tosses a bag and it goes into the hole without touching the cornhole board, this is called a swish.
- Weak Sauce – A player who tosses and their bag lands short of the corn hole board.
- White Wash – A white wash occurs (and the game is over) when one team or opponent reaches 11 points and the opposite team has 0 points.
- Woody – A tossed bag that remains on the cornhole board garnering the tosser a point.